Movie and Craft: Encanto

My library gets movie licensing from Swank, and we use it to show films at the library as often as we’re able. One such movie we showed is Encanto!

When we show movies, we advertise that snacks are provided but that people should bring their own seating. We remove all of the tables and chairs from the center of our youth services area, and people spread out with blankets, bean bags and camp chairs that they brought.

As for snacks, we have a popcorn machine, so we always pop a lot of popcorn. We also provide cups of water. For every movie, though, we also have some kind of fun themed snack. For Encanto, that fun snack was green glass candy! I got the idea to make glass candy from this fun “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” cupcakes. I made the glass candy at home because I have a good set of candymaking supplies, and I used my apple flavoring and green food coloring. I also mixed gold dust into the candy in swirls as it was cooling to make it look a little more magical!

We also always follow the movie with a craft that people can choose to either stay to make or take with them and do at home. Our craft for this film was designing your own magic door! I made a template of the door frames as they appear in Encanto. The kids get to then decorate the door as they think it would look if they had a gift like the Madrigal family.

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